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Colorado in Images (Gallery)

With it’s diverse landscapes, from plains and deserts to mountains and lush forests, Colorado is truly an amazing State to visit in the US. Explore Colorado’s most amazing landscapes through this gallery of images.

INDUSTAR 50-2 F/3.5 50mm LENS

The Industar 50-2 was is a vintage camera lens that was produced in the USSR. For a vintage glass, it’s exceptionally high resolution as well as resilient to chromatic aberration. This is a great walk around lens with excellent color reproduction and contrast, ideal for all different photographic scenarios...

Canon 50mm f/1.4 FD Mount Lens

This is an extremely fast lens that features a razor thin depth of field, beautifully unique bokeh, and some of the best light transmission you’ll find. It’s sharp at center wide open and sharp across the frame by f/5.6. This is an excellent walk around lens...

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